Tag: free flights

A Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for Free Non-Emergency Medical Air Travel

Non-emergency medical air transportation ensures patients can access medical treatments, evaluations, and procedures not readily available in their community. Unlike emergency air transport for immediate, life-threatening situations, these services require advanced planning. One option involves commercial flights, but they can be unaffordable for many.  Fortunately, several nonprofit organizations, like LifeLine Pilots, provide free non-emergency medical… Read more »

Volunteer Pilots Provide Free, Life-Changing Travel for Patients and Loved Ones

Dealing with a disease or medical condition is challenging and stressful. Getting the care you or your loved one needs isn’t easy. Necessary medical appointments and treatments are often far away from home. How do patients get there, and how do they afford the travel costs? They shouldn’t worry about these things when trying to… Read more »